Women, meanwhile, are weak and ruled by their emotions, most specifically their incoherent rage towards Donald Trump and his followers and his incredible record of successes, to the point that they point and glare at men, their wild, manic eyes alight with man-hating fury, pure hatred emanating from every pore. Let me tell you something, pardner, the gruff, sonorous voice of commonsense wisdom embodied by Sam Elliott does NOT have time for political correctness or trigger warnings or gluten-free hyper-“wokeness.” Poor Sam Elliott has been roped into duty as a meme fixture because the majestically mustachioed cowboy represents another hokey old school fixture of American masculinity. The cop is similarly romanticized as an icon of rugged masculinity who selflessly keeps the world safe while being crucified as the enemy of mankind by a hate-crazed, criminal loving left.

The soldier is deified as the realest of real men, a patriotic hero willing to risk death for shitty pay so that Millennial snowflakes can crawl into their safe spaces for their Vegan Cupcake Pillow Parties for Bernie Sanders. Men are represented by archetypes of conventional masculinity.

To be a man is to be tough, stoic, unemotional, ruled by emotion and logic like the great android-philosopher Gods Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson.
In these memes rigid gender roles make a triumphant comeback as the cornerstones of Western Christian American supremacy, to be protected to the death in the face of the rampaging, corrosive forces of Islam-loving political correctness. I’m fascinated by the visual language and cliches of Conservative memes because they say so much about the world we live in and how Trump cultists see themselves and their opposition, albeit not in the manner intended.